Back on the Tube and our first stop today was the War Cabinet Rooms and the Churchill Museum. Our friends Karen and Enid had told us how fantastic this little London gem was and we were not disappointed.
As St James Park is just across from the war cabinet rooms we went for a walk towards St James palace, where we caught up with the guards that were marching down to the Mall.
we found the Holocaust memorial. A beautiful peaceful shady little garden with a simple rock memorial featuring a quote from Lamentations.
As we walked up the hill we were greeted by the Serpentine dam and a whole lot of tourists and Londoners out in row boats and paddle boats. We skirted the lake in search of the Diana Memorial which is interesting and very simple, but such a contrast to the Holocaust Memorial. No peace here. Children screeching and children and adults wading and playing in the fountain. In some ways it was a bit of a disappointment.
Across the road in Kensington Gardens we saw the huge Albert Memorial and then across the road from that is the Albert Hall. We were fortunate to just be the last two places in the 3pm tour and it was a fantastic look at how the Hall has developed and who has performed there. We even sat in the box next to the Royal Box. There were people queuing outside, because, at the moment it is the BBC Proms series and you can buy standing room tickets for 5 Pounds.Tonight the London Philharmonic were playing so i can understand why people would queue. At this stage we were feeling totally exhausted so we hopped on a London bus which got stuck in a terrible traffic jam on its way to Piccadilly Circus. It even changed routes half way through the trip but at least we got to where we needed to connect with the Tube for our trip back to the hotel.
After a quick freshen up we headed off to St George's Catherdal Southwark for evening Mass... and what did we find??? A visiting Australian priest from Manly was concelebrating! it is a small world. Dinner on the way home was picked up from a Marks and Spencers Simply Fresh and now we are organising life, ready to head off on the tour tomorrow. We have labeled the bags and Chris has even written on the name tags!!! Eeekkkkkkk!
MMMMMM.....Marks and Spence does it for me but what about Harrods!